A few weeks ago I headed to Baltimore to attend the Natural Products Expo East. I write a lot on the blog about my favorite eco-friendly products and I’m always on the lookout for new ones. There were over 1300 companies exhibiting their natural, organic and healthy products. I only spent one day at the expo which was hardly enough but in a short time, I had a chance to learn about and try tons of great products. A bunch stood out that I’m going to seek out and buy regularly now.
I don’t frequently give my kids candy but once in awhile, like before an airplane ride or for a special treat, I’ll get them lollipops. The most amazing thing about Zollipops is that it was created by a 9 year-old. Yes, that’s right, 9 years old! The lollipops are made with healthy ingredients and are intended to be eaten after a meal to clean your teeth. My kids loved them!
I have to admit that I stopped at this booth because I love anything having to do with twins. But then I tasted the ice cream and was instantly in love. I tried the cardamom flavor which was so unique and special. It’s a great company that gives back to the community. I would love to see them sold locally in New Jersey!
I usually make my own fries but sometimes you just don’t have the time and want to heat up something easy and nutritious from the freezer. I tried Veggie Fries and was shocked at how tasty they were. I tried the broccoli fries and know my kids would love them. I’m definitely going to be stocking my freezer with these.
When I was growing up, we were not allowed to eat cereals high in sugar. One of favorite parts of sleep away camp was that we could eat sugar cereal everyday for eight weeks! As a parent I limit these kinds of cereals for my kids. When I came across the booth for One Degree Organic Foods and tasted the Brown Rice Cacao Crisps, I thought to myself that this is a sweet cereal I would give to my kids. I know my son will love this. The entire line of cereals is organic and made with clean, healthy ingredients.
The best product that I learned about at the expo was SoYoung cooler bags. Before I had kids I never toted around things which needed to stay cool. When my kids were babies I was frequently bringing a cooler bag with formula and milk when I would go out. Now that the kids are older, I still find myself with a cooler bag. When we go to the beach, hiking or on an excursion, I need to bring a cooler bag. I’ve been on the lookout for one that is nicer looking than what I’ve been carrying. I loved all of the bags from SoYoung, especially the one featuring a bike since I’m a cyclist. They invited me to try out the cooler bag with an artichoke design and I love it. It’s a great shape and fits a ton of stuff. I recently brought it on a road trip filled with cheese and sandwiches and it was great. They also make lunch boxes and backpacks that are just adorable.
Other companies that I learned about and liked were Miracle Noodle, No Bull Burger and Tolerant. I could have spent several days exploring the expo but only had a short time. I’m excited to use these products regularly. Give them a try, they will surely become some of your favorites too!
