52/25 Cookbook Challenge Weeks 1-10
By Marci Lutsky

I've been wanting to do a cookbook project for years and finally this idea came to me of fitting 52 weeks of cookbooks into the year 2025. My hope is that I'll discover new recipes to add to my repertoire and in doing so, inspire readers to show their cookbooks some attention. Without further ado, let's get to it! Week 1 Book: King Arthur Baking Company Big Book of Bread, 2024 Recipe: The Most Chocolatey Babka, page 355 I am a devoted King Arthur fan so it came as no surprise that choosing one recipe for the cookbook challenge was well, challenging. I decided to start with babka because it's been a thorn in my side for years. I've tried to make it on numerous occasions and was just never satisfied with the results, until now. My overall impression of the book is that … Read More >>
Broccoli Kale Meatless Meatballs

One of the challenges about eating a mostly vegetarian diet is finding meals that are filling and satisfying enough. Sometimes you just need comfort food to fill your belly and if you don’t eat meatloaf or pot roast, these meatballs are an excellent option. I originally saw this post on one of my favorite blogs, Oh…
Grilled Peach Salad with Goat Cheese Honey Dressing

I just spent three days in Hershey Park and while we had a fantastic time, my body was craving unprocessed, healthy food. Whenever I go on vacation I look forward to a break from cooking, cleaning and laundry but usually after two days of stuffing myself at a breakfast buffet, I’m ready to return to…
Award Winning Peach Pie

Days with toddlers can be long. Days with toddler twins can be really long so I’m always on the lookout for fun activities to do with the kids. Last week the Margate Community Farmers Market held a peach pie contest and we entered. You will have to read through to the bottom of the post…
Beet Pesto Pizza

Every Sunday I plan my menu for the week and always ask my husband (and now kids) if they have any requests. I don’t know why I bother asking my husband because he always has the same answer, pizza! The first time I made this beet pesto pizza I learned a quick lesson-one is not…